Headline News Volume 269


eJARN.com Headline News
Date: April 17, 2015, Volume 269
( http://www.ejarn.com )
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* Technical Trend of Large Compressors
The recent technical trend of large compressors such as centrifugal and screw is the use of variable speed motor control systems. The second trend is that the oil-free centrifugal compressors combined with PM motors are now available over a wide capacity range. Regarding refrigerant issues, R134a refrigerant has been widely used for HVAC&R units, while the compressor development to use new refrigerants having low global warming potential (GWP) properties has also progressed.

1. Toward the 4th Industrial Revolution
Industries 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution, is the revolution coming with digitization and the networking of things to each other through information technology. IT is the key technology. Specifically, this refers to machine-to-machine (M2M) technology that connects machines in networks and enables automated communication, the use of big data obtained from net-works, and linking with operational systems in areas other than production such as development, sales, and supply chain management.

2. Swep Establishing Office in Dubai
Brazed plate heat exchangers (BPHEs) are quickly winning ground in district cooling, thanks to space-saving compactness, high efficiency and low maintenance. With over a million installations around the world, Swep has built up extensive application expertise, the highest capacity range on the market, and a unique offer for district cooling networks. To meet the increasing demand in the Middle East and better serve local customers, Swep is now establishing an office in Dubai.

3. Era of Significant Change in India’s AC Market
ACREX India reflects the state of the Indian HVAC&R industry. Its 2015 edition saw the participation of all the major companies in the industry, reflecting the optimism in its growth prospects in the short and medium terms. Overseas companies also participated in large numbers, underlining the fact that India is one of a few countries today where the HVAC&R market is expected to grow.

4. TASCO Japan Promotes Installation and Service Tools for R32 AC in Southeast Asia
In Japan, TASCO Japan is selling installation and service tools to manufacturers of air conditioners using R32. In Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam, the company is rapidly taking steps to sell these tools by holding training courses for equipment installation in collaboration with Japanese air conditioner manufacturers and technical training schools.

5. Sales of DC Motors Exceed 57.8 Million Units in China
Statistics shows that 57.8 million air conditioning DC motors were sold in China in 2014, up 12% over that of 2013. However, compared with the rapid development of inverter air conditioners in the last few years, the domestic sales of air conditioning DC motors look less satisfactory.

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