HPTCJ/ICA/JCDA Joint Project — Implementation of the Second Year Project

The Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technology Center of Japan (HPTCJ), International Copper Association (ICA), and Japan Copper Development Association (JCDA) are proceeding with activities designed to enhance knowledge of heat pump & thermal storage systems in Southeast Asian regions through organizations centering on the Asian Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technologies Net-work (AHPNW).
Since 2017, with a view to preventing global warming, HPTCJ, ICA, and JCDA have been implementing a joint project for facilitating further penetration of heat pump technologies in Asian countries in which there is huge potential for expansion of energy consumption.
This time, HPTCJ, ICA, and JCDA reached an agreement on the implementation of the second year joint project as a deepened extension of the first year joint project, and on February 28, the three organizations signed the Appendix of the ICA Project Proposal with a supplementary note on the agreement.
On the basis of ‘the Survey of the Extent to Which High Efficiency Heat Pump Units Have Penetrated into the Three Asian Countries (Japan, South Korea and Taiwan)’ and Penetration Potential, following the first year joint project, the three organizations intend to carry out a survey focused on heat pump water heaters within the framework of the second year joint project.
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