Headline News Volume 564


eJARN.com Headline News
Date: Jan. 15th, 2021, Volume 564
( http://www.ejarn.com )
<Dec Regular edition>
1. HVAC&R Expos beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic
Many in-person exhibitions have been canceled and instead are being held online or in a hybrid format. This trend is expected to become even more prominent in the post-COVID-19 world. Online exhibitions allow visitors to participate without having to travel, and have cost benefits for the organizers as well. However, virtual exhibitions can easily end up feeling simply like a TV commercial or not much different from searching for product information on the Internet. In contrast, hybrid exhibitions incorporate digital components that allow participants to interact individually with exhibitors, while also offering an event space where participants can go for in-person meetings.
Dec Regular page 14
2. Heat Pump City of the Year (HPCY) Awards Presented to Outstanding Heat Pump Projects
This year, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 10th edition of the HPCY Award ceremony took place online with more than 40 attendees on November 17, 2020, sponsored by EHPA and Bruxelles Environnement. The four winners in the categories of HPCY, DecarBuilding, DecarbIndustry, Next-Generation Heat Pump, were selected from 32 applications from all around the world and awarded during the online event.
Dec Regular page 28
3. AHRI Presents Low-GWP Refrigerants in China
On November 17, Bridge Xue, vice president of Asia Operations, Air-Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), attended the Eco-Friendly Refrigerant Summit in Hangzhou, China, where he gave a presentation on the topic ‘Low-global warming Potential (GWP) Refrigerants for Direct HVAC Appliances’. Bridge Xue discussed new A2L refrigerants and reported on the technical research and standards upgrades for flammable refrigerants.
Dec Regular page 34
4. China’s RAC Export Volume Shows Slight Increase in RY 2020
According to ChinaIOL, China’s room air conditioner (RAC) exports increased slightly by 1.6% in refrigeration year 2020 (RY 2020, ending in August 2020), exceeding 50 million units for four consecutive years. By destination, RAC exports showed differences with increases to Europe, Latin America, Oceania, and Asia, but declines to North America and Africa.
Dec Regular page 36
5. Panasonic Starts Providing AC Smart Cloud Service for Commercial ACs in Japan
On December 1, 2020, Panasonic started providing a cloud service called AC Smart Cloud that enables a user to apply remote management/ centralized control to commercial air conditioning systems. The AC Smart Cloud provides various support functions such as visualization of the energy used, notification of the maintenance timing, dispatch of an e-mail when something abnormal occurs, energy-saving control, etc. The models that are connectable to the AC Smart Cloud include Panasonic-made packaged air conditioners (PACs) for office and shop, and variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, gas heat pump (GHP) air conditioners, room air conditioners (RACs), and other installations such as ventilation fans.
Dec Regular Page 50
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