Final reports from IEA HPT Annex 55/ES HPT Task 34 “Comfort & Climate Box towards better integration of heat pumps and storage” published – Webinar on October 24. Please join!

The Annex on the Comfort & Climate Box (CCB) has been jointly set up by both IEA HPT TCP (Annex 55), ES TCP (Task #34) and Mission Innovation IC Affordable heating and cooling of Buildings, because the integration of the Annex on the Comfort & Climate Box (CCB) has been jointly set up by both IEA HPT TCP (Annex 55 ), ES TCP (Task #34 ), and Mission Innovation IC Affordable heating and cooling of Buildings, because of the integration of heat pump and storage is key to delivering a system that can satisfy consumer demand and the constraints of the electricity grid that is fed from renewable sources. The spin-off of the combined Annexes is to speed up the development of CCBs and bring CCBs closer to the consumer market.
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