Technical Trend: Smart ACs – Actual Usage Status & Future Development

The terms ‘smart home appliances’ and ‘Internet of Things (IoT) home appliances’ have been bandied around in the consumer electronics market for a long time. Although these two terms seem to mean the same thing, the exact meanings can be considered to be slightly different. That is, there are two concepts. The term ‘smart home appliances’ simply refers to home appliances that can perform several types of operations or their operating status can be checked using a smartphone, whereas ‘IoT home appliances’ refers to home appliances that can be automatically controlled based on the analysis of a large amount of collected information. For the definition of IoT home appliances used here, it goes without saying that artificial intelligence (AI) is used in the analysis and control processes. In this report, both of the above-mentioned two concepts are called smart home appliances.
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