Hoshizaki Introduces Industrial Large Ice Maker into Oversea

Hoshizaki Taiwan, the East Asian subsidiary of Hoshizaki, has installed two of its large industrial TM series ice makers at Xpark, an aquarium that opened on August 7 in Taoyuan District in Taiwan. Yo...
Toshiba Carrier Releases Universal Smart X Edge32 Series Chi

In October 2020, Toshiba Carrier will start releasing Universal Smart X Edge32 series, as a new air-cooled heat pump chiller model. By combining R32 refrigerant which has a low environmental burden...
Fujitsu General Releases Gokudan nocria ZN Series ACs for Co

From August 31, Fujitsu General began releasing ‘Gokudan nocria’ ZN series air conditioners for cold climates featuring the industry’s top class high heating capacity and sophisticat...
Fukushima Galilei Releases Renewed IM Series Island Display

At the end of July, Fukushima Galilei unveiled fully renewed models of freezing/refrigeration mode selectable type IM series island display cases. Featuring considerations for the global environmen...
Daikin Confirms Effect of Inactivation by Streamer Technolog

Daikin has verified the effect of inactivation by its original Streamer technology on COVID-19 (SARSCoV-2) and murine coronavirus (MHV-A59) in cooperation with graduate school and university research ...
Ebara Offers Centrifugal Chillers to a Chinese Tire Factory

Ebara offered six of its 1,200-ton centrifugal chillers for a Thai factory for Prinx Chengshan, a Chinese tire manufacturer. The Thai factory is the company’s first overseas production base, ado...
Japan’s Domestic AC Shipments: August 2020
Item This month Year to date Quantity (units) Comp. % Quantity (units) Comp. % Room AC 940,146 97.9 7,729,843 99.7 Packaged AC 69,725 83.7 555,225 84.1 GHP 2,560 58.7 19,410 80.0 Heat Pump Water Heater 33,775 94.9 329,562 102...
Haier Committed to Developing High-end Air Conditioners

Haier, founded in 1984, has been at the forefront of the technological revolution of the Chinese home appliance industry for 36 years. Entering the fifth-generation (5G) era, are there any changes in ...