

MHI to Add 80 hp Model to Lineup of C-puzzle Condensing Unit

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration (MHI-AC&R) has developed a large-capacity 80 hp model to add to its series of C-puzzle fluorocarbon-free commercial refrigeration con...


Nidec: Notice Regarding the Status of Own Share Repurchase

Released on March 1, 2021, in Kyoto, Japan   (Repurchase of own shares, pursuant to the Company’s Articles of Incorporation based on the provisions of Article 459-1-1 of the Company Law o...


Denso Develops New Type of Plasmacluster Ion Generator for B

Denso and Denso Aircool, in cooperation with Sharp, have developed a new type of Plasmacluster ion generator. Since the new product can release about three times as many ions as its predecessor, it ca...


MHI Sells Beaver Masks to Celebrate 50th Anniversary

In December 2020, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems (MHI Thermal Systems) began selling single-use general purpose (non-medical) face masks called Beaver masks, which were created by utilizi...


Ebara Provides Customized OEM Solutions for Data Centers

Ebara Pumps Americas (EPAC), one of the Ebara Group’s overseas group companies, has signed a contract with a major original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of custom heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. EPAC will partner to provide custom solutions for an advanced, flexible chiller system design for the new data centers of its client. In the United States, industries ...


Toshiba Carrier Achieves Cumulative Production of 50,000 Mod

Toshiba Carrier announced that the cumulative production of module chillers reached 50,000 units on December 1, 2020. Toshiba Carrier has endeavored to develop highly efficient air-cooled heat pump ch...


Daikin Adds its R32 ACs to SMFL’s SDGs Lease Scheme

From January 2021, Daikin and Sumitomo Mitsui Finance and Leasing (SMFL) decided to newly add Daikin’s air conditioners using the low-global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant R32 to the list of objects covered by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Lease.‘Mirai 2030’ was put to operation from December 2019 by SMFL. SDGs Lease scheme is a lease transaction in which, by a...


Panasonic’s Refrigerated/ Frozen Lockers Enable Contactless

Panasonic plans to release refrigerated/frozen lockers capable of being installed outdoors for delivery/takeout in spring 2021. In the COVID-19 context, an increasing number of families are utilizi...


November Shipments of White Goods Up 16% in Japanese Market

The Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association (JEMA) announced that domestic shipments of so-called white goods such as room air conditioners (RACs) and refrigerators in November amounted to ¥201.1 billion (US$ 1.94 billion), up 16.8% over the same month in 2019. This represents positive growth for two consecutive months. A look at the value of domestic shipments by type of product ...


Flex Multi Mini Module: Horizontal-discharge Type Small-size

Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning has developed horizontal-discharge outdoor units called ‘Flex Multi mini module’ that can switch between cooling and heating operation. Flex Multi...