

Panasonic’s Aquarea ATW Heat Pump Extends R32 Range to Entir

Panasonic has expanded its Aquarea J Generation range of R32 high-performance ATW heat pumps for heating, cooling and hot water systems from sustainable, renewable energy. The company has added R32 mo...


Rhoss Winpack Eco EXP Provides Efficiency All Year Round

Rhoss presents the new multipurpose Winpack Eco EXP product range. The use of latest-generation scroll compressors, optimized for R454B low-GWP refrigerant, is a concrete solution addressing evolving ...


MHI Targets European and South Korean Markets with New Q-ton

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems’ (MHI Thermal Systems’) HPWHs adopting the natural refrigerant CO2 are gaining in popularity thanks to their capability to exhibit higher perfor...


Fujitsu General Launches Waterstage with R32 in the European

Fujitsu General is going to newly launch Waterstage ATW heat pumps adopting R32 refrigerant, mainly into France which is Europe’s largest ATW market, and intends to concentrate its energy on sal...


Mitsubishi Electric’s Flagship Commercial Heat Pump Products

The ATW heat pump market is expanding fast in Europe, and sales of Mitsubishi Electric’s ATW heat pump products are also expanding rapidly. The commercial product market is also growing, and Mit...


Saginomiya Expands the Lineup of Automatic Controls for ATW

Saginomiya swiftly launched various types of automatic controls when the market for heat pump systems and ATW heat pumps utilizing renewable energy grew quickly in Europe, and also expanded its footho...


MHI Receives Highest "Eruboshi" Certification as a Company t

-- 3 Stars for Meeting Criteria in All 5 Evaluation Categories --   2020-08-06   ・Designation given by Japanese Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare ・Acquisition reflects company’s sustained dedication to advancing careers of women employees   Tokyo, August 6, 2020 - On July 22, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) was awarded 3-star Eruboshi ("L-Star," f...


Hitachi ABB Power Grids wins major HVDC order linking Shetla

First multi-terminal HVDC interconnection in Europe will boost renewable energy and enhance power security   Hitachi ABB Power Grids wins major HVDC order linking Shetland islands to the UK g...


MHI Machine Tool Develops "FR Series" of Machines to Manufac

-- High Precision Machining with Two Models for External and Internal Tooth Small Module Gears for Precision Reduction Gears --   ・ Direct drive motors and other features used throughout to ensure an optimal structure for precision machining of small module gears ・ Full-fledged launch from August 2020, with unveiling at an online seminar scheduled for September   Tokyo, August 4, 20...


Japanese RAC Market Regains Vitality

The Emergency Declaration has been lifted, and people are gradually beginning to return to ordinary daily living. On the weekend, streets are regaining vitality, and volume retailers of home electric ...